Siluetas tells the story of Dinora, a Cuban-American immigrant, and Khalilah, a Syrian refugee, who move in together amidst a charged 2016 presidential campaign, the lifting of the Cuban embargo, and the escalation of the Syrian Civil War. Be among the first to hear a brand-new trilingual musical celebrating forgiveness, radical love, and the true meaning of home.

Meet The Cast

Meet The Crew:


Jamel Baker as Stage Manager, Ashton Moore as Assistant Stage Manager,  Zaina Dana as Assistant Director, Abel Garriga as Music Supervisor, Lexy Leuszler as Dramaturg, Caroline Heins as Script Assistant,Jake Collins as Music Assistant, Matthew Jernigan as Percussionist, Rachel Massey as Violinist, Katty Mayorga as Guitar, Mel Hsu as Cellist, Kyle Amick as Production Manager, Andy Frank as Technical Director, Chris Haig as Set Designer, Asaki Kuruma as Costume Designer, Mae Merkle as Wardrobe Supervisor, Bless Rudisill as Lighting Designer, Taj Rauch as Projections Designer, Natali Merrill as Sound Designer, Amanda Hatch as Props Master, Sanchel Brown as Choreographer, John P. Troy as Audio Engineer, Darren West as Audio Engineer, Nick Wacksman as Head Electrician, Cory Steiger as Scenic Painter, Fouad Sakhnini as Cultural Consultant and Translator for this trilingual musical, Chels Morgan as Cultural Competency Specialist and Intimacy Coordinator, Jason Lindner as Temple Marketing, Fred M. Duer as Temple Department Chair, Jose Alicea as PST Marketing Director, Jaleigh Croft as Development and Gabriela Sanchez as Producer.

A Timeline of Siluetas

2021 : Siluetas "Zoomsical"

In 2021, Power Street Theatre supported the initial development of Siluetas with generous support from the MAP Fund and presented a “Zoomsical” developmental showing where writers Robi and Erlina were able to solidify the overall arc of the story and write their first 5 songs. 

2022 : Siluetas "Eugene O’Neill Concert Reading"

In July 2022,  Siluetas was selected as one of the musicals to be presented at Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center's National Music Theatre Conference. Robi, Erlina and Rebecca, with a new Siluetas cast, workshopped the show for 2 weeks in New London, CT, and for an additional week of workshopping in December.

2023 : Siluetas Theatre Horizon Concert Reading

This production was wild and fast-paced, with only 4 days of rehearsal, a 4-hour tech the day of the performance, and 3 shows over the first weekend of November 2023. With a full audience in the theater, the sounds of laughter, shock, awe, sniffles, and applause affirmed how special this show is and how excited we are to bring you the full production in the Spring of 2024.